The Crew




Hello my name is Sean Noyce (Last name pronounced Noy-ss) I married my high school sweetheart and have a dynamic and vibrant 5 year old daughter, Sydney. I have many hobbies including traveling, biking, snowboarding, swimming, soap making, running, RC cars, droning, filming, and rock climbing to list a few. If you know a thing or two about myself, you will know that I am a HUGE Star Wars Fan! I have watched all the Star Wars movies numerous times and read over 33 Star Wars books. 

I am very analytical and love to create tables and charts when making decisions. So don't expect me to make decision on the fly :) I absolutely love my family and I have the most fun when spending a night in, watching a family movie at home, while eating my well sought after homemade coconut oil popcorn and my chewy candies. I often fantasizes living a minimalist life only owning a few possessions but I have too many hobbies to commit to at the moment. Health and fitness has always been a priority of mine and I continue to work on this everyday.  In addition, I also have done several triathlons but my proudest one I completed was an Ironman Triathlon. Despite my active lifestyle, I have never broken a bone in my body nor have I pulled a muscle. Maybe it is attributed to my daily yoga sessions I do religiously, Namaste!

My wish is to one day retire and be able to live off the grid in a tropical private island. Which means I will have to learn how to fish, hunt, farm for food, and build a aqueduct system for clean water. I better start learning :)



Hey everyone! My name is Pamelainah but no one ever attempts to call me by my full first name, for good reasons. Instead, I often go by Pamela, Pam or Inah. I love art and everything that requires me to use my creative mind. I enjoy arts and crafts, watching movies, cooking and I have a competitive spirit. Which means, I'm always ready for a friendly match of Scrabble, team sports or board games. Although I may be reluctant at times, I will typically try anything at least once, even putting myself in situations where I have to face my biggest fear of heights. I have rode many rollercoaster, thrill rides, gone cliff diving, zip lining and even sky diving! I often grow my hair out to donate it to different organizations to help others who have lost their hair from cancer or other diseases, which explains why I always seems to have long hair.

The little things that make me happy are: a freshly made, crisp, white bed, the smell of lavender flowers, the feeling of wet sand as the shore comes in, and witnessing kind gestures being played out when no one seems to be looking. I love food and love eating food. I can even say that I enjoy all vegetables and have never come across a vegetable that I dislike. So if I ever was to become a vegetarian again, I would be set! My absolute dream is to learn how to cook many different cuisine from all around the world in your grandma's kitchen.

If I could give my 18 year old self advice I would tell her "Don't be afraid to be different. Embrace where you came from and who you will become. Life is too short to live in constant approval from everyone." Some things I would tell my 50 year old self, "Follow happiness. But don't follow perfection. Continue to learn and explore and learn from all people. Always love and give love. Lastly, don't forget to smile :)"



Sydney is the entertainer, the moderator of the family and is the love of our lives. She is a vibrant 5 year old who loves going to school and playing with her friends and cousins. She got indoctrinated to the Star Wars family and therefore loves and knows more Star Wars trivia than the average 5 year old. When she isn't watching Star Wars or playing with her Star Wars Legos, you can find her in the kitchen helping her mom bake, cook or making a list.

She is your average kid who is growing and learning but not at all average in her personality and characteristics. She is extremely loving and kind and gives many daily hugs and kisses to her mommy and daddy. Along with her soft side she is thoughtful and enjoys giving hand made gifts to her friends and family. Now that she is learning to draw, read and write, her notes and cards are more legible and easy to follow. More often than not, they're quirky and hilarious. Sydney is cute and funny, with a fantastic sense of humor. In contrast to her soft side, she can be fierce and strong willed with her opinions and ideas. If she has an opinion, such as what she wants to wear that day, she will make it a point to verbally express her thoughts. This little girl is also very observant and will often remember minute details of a conversation or action you did. So be aware of this little detective :)

Things she recently mastered are: writing her name, learning her shapes, reciting where she lives, taking a shower on her own, and biking on a 2 wheel bike. Currently she is working on how to tie her shoes, speaking Spanish, brushing her own hair, and buttoning her shirts.